Friday, October 9, 2009

On Board

Just want to send out a big thank you to everybody who commented and/or emailed after I posted about being accepted into my first juried exhibition. I am quite excited about this and am really pleased that the exhibition is sponsored by The Book Arts Round Table and The Printmaking Council of New Jersey.

PCNJ is an organization that is involved in not only promoting and teaching the art of printmaking but is also becoming very active in using art to highlight and express social and political issues.

The first book of two that were accepted into the show is "Billboard." Some of you may remember the start of this project, which had been previously posted on my blog. Only a few pages were completed when I put the book aside. It remained unfinished until I was inspired by the theme of this exhibition, "Below the Surface."

Now completed, this book is loosely influenced by both the shape and the visuals of old, previously used billboards.

These old billboards become abstract canvases which totally resonate with my love of things with a history, things distressed, things with layers, and things that have been changed by time.

And, in the case of this exhibition, they reveal what is below the surface.

Sold. Thank you!

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