Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Collage Floral Brooch

 If you are a person who loves collage, you can't stop yourself from seeing what things will look like if you put them together.
 These items were on my work table.  Leftovers from other projects, I was hoping to find a way to use them.
 I filled my bottle cap with white Apoxie Sculpt.
 I added in all of my items.  Then I coloured everything with Gilders Paste.  This was such a great night time project.  The house was quiet and I needed to use up some time.  Anyone with a dog knows that the later you let them out at night...the later you get to sleep in the next morning.  I use that time to clear up the day's projects and set up new ones for the morning.
This needs to cure for 12 hours.  I'll probably add a little more colour tomorrow.

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