Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Collepilogue Part 2

Continuing the reveal, this is the second in a series of posts highlighting the results of Inner Works, the altered book collaboration I participated in with Jill, Veronica, Rita, Roxanne, and our host Supria. You can see the first post of the reveal here and experience the whole journey on our group blog Inner Works.

My book cover was designed with found metal objects, torn and altered paper, ripped fabric, rusty wire, a tintype, and a rough metal hinge...all in keeping with my theme Distressed Elements.

It took one year to receive my book back and it was bursting at the binding. In fact, it was so filled that it was difficult to capture the spreads in photographs.

I started my book with a one page spread, creating two pages that were inspired by my theme.

Each of the participating artists interpreted the theme in such unique and personal ways.







Each of the participants will be posting their own books on their own blogs in the coming weeks. Click on their links in the first paragraph of this post. And check back on The Altered Page later this week to see more of Inner Works.

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