Friday, April 9, 2010

Color Challenge Winner!

First, thanks to everyone who entered the Turquoise Color Challenge sponsored by Margie Deeb and Humblebeads.  Your creations were amazing and it was fun to see how different everyone interprets the same color palette.

Our grand prize winner is:

Lyn Foley!

Margie commented on Lyn's use of color, "The artist has made this Spring palette dance. Rather than choosing a dominant color, she splashes the entire bracelet with all the palette members. Her choreography alternates between staccato-like dots and undulating squiggles, creating a festive, playful rhythm."

Lyn has won 2 years worth of Color Reports from Margie Deeb and a $50 gift certificate to

You can see Lyn's work on her website,

We have two other finalists:

And they have won - bragging rights!  Congrats to our winners and special thanks to our judges:

I created a Flickr group with all the entries, you can view them here.

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