I am hoping I am winning the battle this year.
This is year two of Carmi vrs Periwinkle.
Four years ago I planted several tiny pots of periwinkle thinking it might fill some space around the bottom of a circular garden we have in the middle of the driveway. I wanted it to look lush and to trail over the edges of the garden border. Oh and won't the purple flowers look pretty? Year two it looked lovely.
Year three it started to choke everything in it's path...and it grew in leaps and bounds! It's everywhere...even in the grass meters away. I spent an entire week last summer cutting, trimming and hacking it back. It's stronger than my cedar bush now.
I never knew such a cute little plant could be this tough.
Lesson learned.
Somewhere out there is another person like me reading the description of periwinkle on the plant package. Be warned. It is very very powerful and hungry for space.
So I'll be in the garden with the rest of you flower enthusiasts this weekend. Only pulling, not planting.
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