I was longing to get back to my resin table. It has been months. So yesterday I decided I would make some pieces that I would immediately use today. No stalling. Finish something.
So I went to my computer to look for some images to print. (I have a new hp ink jet printer that says the inks are waterproof, so I wanted to test a printout anyway.) I have purchased some digital images in the last year that I never got a chance to use. Some of my favorites are from Cari Lopez. One of the reasons I purchase from Cari is because she has an "angel policy." In other words, if you hand make items to sell using her images she is okay with it..as opposed to lots of digital sellers who have one million "don't s" on their terms of use page. She supports the home crafter. Her digital work is fantastic and if you go to her blog link you can see her work right away. The sheet above is a set I bought but didn't get to use this past year. Using Photoshop I digitally cut circles out of her files to make this set to print. This makes it easy for me to hand punch them for my bezels later. I focus on the part of her files I most want to see. These images are packed and would be lovely as 3 inch buttons, but I knew they would be going into my one inch bezels and I hoped the images would still be recognizable. No matter. It was an experiment.
I set them into the bezels and then poured Ice Resin into each. I was surprised that the images were still clear. That made me happy!
Today I linked my bezels using the greatest jewelery invention of all time:Beadalon Links. I love these little components. Projects are done in a snap! I have to say, the necklace falls perfectly into place. Thanks to Cari for the great images!
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