Sunday, June 20, 2010

Book Guild - Chapter 11

Welcome to the fourth edition of The Pulse -- The State of the Art -- a survey in words and pictures of the online artist community. Nearly 150 artists have answered a list of questions which make up The Pulse. Their responses will be presented as a series of online and print projects. Secret Sunday was the first project and the links to all the secrets can be found on the sidebar of my blog. The Book Guild is the second project and Chapter 11 starts right now!

All artists participating in The Pulse were asked to name their favorite art books. The Book Guild will present this list, along with links, book reviews, giveaways, and interviews with many of your favorite authors. And as members of The Guild, I am hoping YOU will participate by leaving comments related to the books in each post - for example thoughts, book reviews, personal experiences, or a link back to your own blog posts that include artwork based on a project in the listed book.

Chapter 11: Multiples

Many authors and books were chosen by more than one artist as their favorite and today a few of these multiples are highlighted...

Three of Nick Bantock's books were listed as favorites:

Griffin & Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence

Griffin & Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence was included on the lists of Maj Carita Hoenborg and Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart, who adds "Nick Bantock has written many wonderful books with extraordinary correspondence and illustrations between two characters Griffin and Sabine. The artwork will mesmerize the viewer. I think they first came out in the early 1990’s. Sabine’s Notebook, Griffin and Sabine and the Golden Mean are still vibrant today and their intimate messages display the continual search for harmony and perfect balance. It is like reading someone else’s mail and silly as it may sound a delicate prelude to today’s blogging experiences."

The Artful Dodger: Images and Reflections

The Artful Dodger: Images and Reflections was selected by Curio (aka Sonia Simard), Sharmon Davidson, and Michele Jackson.

About this book Curio said "I have a lot of art books and all have something to offer but when I am looking for inspiration nothing beats The Artful Dodger, the autobiography of Nick Bantock. I do have most of his books but derived a great deal of insight from that one in particular."

Michele added "This book was another important book for me as far as gaining artistic self confidence. A line I remember is Bantock describing himself when he entered art school: "...I couldn't draw in proportion, couldn't make three marks without erasing two, and had virtually no color sense." Bantock let me know that skills can be learned and improved through practice. This gave me the courage to learn to draw."

Urgent 2nd Class: Creating Curious Collage, Dubious Documents, and Other Art from Ephemera

Angela Negro chose Urgent 2nd Class: Creating Curious Collage, Dubious Documents, and Other Art from Ephemera as a favorite.

The Artist's Way

The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron was selected by four participants as a favorite: Carol Henley, Cyn Richardson, Jennifer Lorton, and Judy Wise.

Of this book Carol said, "Years ago I got into the Julian Cameron books and I am amazed that they are still as popular today, or maybe more so, than they were then. I used her ideas from The Artist’s Way At Work, to help me survive my job until I retired. I am thankful for that book!"

Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists: Experimental Techniques for Composition, Layering, Texture, Imagery, and Encaustic

Both Kim Palmer and Sally Turlington selected Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists: Experimental Techniques for Composition, Layering, Texture, Imagery, and Encaustic by Ann Baldwin as a favorite.

Kim Added that "for techniques this book is just brilliant!"

Semiprecious Salvage: Creating Found Art Jewelry

Both Kecia Deveney and Jen Crossley chose Semiprecious Salvage: Creating Found Art Jewelry by Stephanie Lee.

Making Connections: A Handbook of Cold Joins for Jewelers and Mixed-Media Artists

Susan Lenart Kazmer's Making Connections: A Handbook of Cold Joins for Jewelers and Mixed-Media Artists was favorited by both Ro Bruhn and Kerin Gale.

The Decorated Page: Journals, Scrapbooks & Albums Made Simply Beautiful

The Decorated Page: Journals, Scrapbooks & Albums Made Simply Beautiful by Gwen Diehn was a favorite book of both Erin Perry and Judith Stadler.

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