Saturday, August 21, 2010

Studio Saturday With Lynn Davis

Welcome to Studio Saturday! Each week one of our contributors gives you a sneak peek into their studio, creative process or inspirations. We ask a related question of our readers and hope you'll leave comments! As an incentive we offer a free prize each week to bribe you to use that keyboard. The following week we choose a random winner.

This week's winner is Melinda. Congratulations! 

You have won a set of starfish charms by Heather Powers at Humblebeads. Send Heather an e-mail with your address and she will get it right out to you!

This week we're in the studio of Lynn Davis, who has been going through big changes recently.

Hi, welcome to the studio. It's still in the process of being unpacked. I recently made the major life decision to relocate from Missouri, where I was working for ten years at a corporate management job, down to Louisiana to be near my family.

It involved a lot of planning, hard work and effort, but since my last Studio Saturday post I am now fully moved to Central Louisiana and into my new house.  The studio is in a small house a few blocks away, and I've got it almost totally unpacked now.

I'm one block away, walking distance, from my grandbaby and her parents. I get to visit with them almost every day, which makes it very special to be here.  Exciting!

I had the studio packed away and the Etsy shop almost down to the bare walls during almost the whole of July, so my big project right now is to rebuild the Etsy shop and get all the studio functions back up and running full steam ahead now.  Thanks very much to all of you who posted encouragement on my blog as I worked through all the relocation situations! You helped me very much and I appreciate you ... and the full story about the new studio is there, if you want to know more and see pictures of the new setup.

I've been experimenting with new toggle clasp designs, these two have vines and grapes on them. If you answer the question below by commenting on this post you'll win one of my new toggle clasps in hand cast pewter, with a dark patina. I think it would be great for a summertime nature bracelet!

If you could change one thing about your creativity location, what would it be? More space, bigger storage? Would you like more light, a better chair, or fewer interruptions? More tabletop space, or more drawers? What works for you now, and what do you wish was different. If you could wave a magic wand and add or remove one thing in your working spot, what would it be?
I've been giving these questions lots of thought lately, as I basically re-invent my creativity location, I'm wondering if you have any of these thoughts, too. So tell your story here, comment to reply to the question, and you might win one of my new vinyard toggle clasps!

Posted by Lynn Davis - for her the boxes are almost completely unpacked and the bruises are healing!

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