Wednesday, September 22, 2010

ABS Carnival Blog: Renewal

Welcome to this month's Art Bead Scene Carnival Blog! Our intrepid bloggers took on the theme of "renewal" for September. September is time to go back to school, to put away the garden tools for the season and look forward to the holidays. Although fall is a season of change, one can feel surprisingly energized by the newness that change brings.

Nicki shares a powerpoint from her days as a jet-setting professional on the stages of change.

Nicki was faced with a monumental change in her life. She's translated that sense of renewal into a lovely piece of jewelry:

Like Nicki, Holly has renewal foisted upon her. She puts it to good use at the torch and channels her energy into making glass beads.

The mothers's juggling act pressures many of us. September finds Chris balancing her time between family, writing and the torch

While some of our bloggers are experiencing a change in life paths, Marcie reflects on the theme and interprets renewal in the turning of the leaves. She shares a lovely set of handpicked artist made leaves including this lovely one from dreamgirlbeads.

Michelle sees fall as a time to pare down and organize. As she cleans out her studio she re-discovers treasures and feels energized.

But what if you're a cleaning phobe (like me) or the cleaning muse hasn't hit you(where is she when I need her)? Maybe you want a more methodical way to re-charge. Enter our intrepid Patty. We can count on Patty to write a post full of great tips. She takes on this month's theme in her usual manner and lists tips and tricks for gaining a sense of renewal.

What? you've gotten this far in our post and none of the ways our bloggers approach renewal resonate with you? What about exploring other art forms? Elaine Luther found inspiration and renewal in quilting. Needing inspiration to infuse a new series of beads, Mary Harding heads to the art gallery where she finds her inspiration and creates these beauties.

Or maybe you're like me, you just get hit on the head by your muse, as if she's saying "duh! make these!"

How do you find renewal?

Hope you've enjoyed this month's Carnival Blog! If you'd like to join us, we're always happy to welcome another dedicated Art Bead Scene reader to our Carnival Blogger Group! Interested in joining? Please send an email to Cindy saying you'd like to join.

Until next month...the Carnival Bloggers bid you adieu!
(written by Cindy Gimbrone the Carnival Bloggers' fearless leader.)

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