Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Opportunities Knocking: It Pays to be First

And the random winner of a one-of-a-kind set of art beads selected from the truly one-of-a-kind "Inspired by..." exhibit is...

EB Bead and Metal Work!

(Didn't I tell you that it pays to be the first to comment!)

Here is what EB Bead and Metal Work had to say about my questions regarding collaboration:

Thank you Erin for sharing your video story of your "Inspired by..." work! This was truly wonderful to watch and see what was created from the beads you collected based on the art work.

Mom and I have never thought about doing a collaboration before, but I have been toying with the idea of basing our jewelry off of some of the most wonderful watercolor paintings by our favorite artist Rena Bruwer here in Indiana (we have our own art gallery of her work). I think this would be a fun thing to do, but I am not sure we would be ready to do something like t
hat on a large scale, but this is something I would love to do in the future.

I would love, love, love to have Juls, from Julsbeads, collaborate with us along with Kelley from Kelly's beads, Melanie Brooks from Earthenwood Studios, Dora Schubert would be wonderful to collaborate with (love her stringer work), Laura from Beads by Laura, Barbara Lewis for her wonderful enamels, Donna from Beadology, My Life & Times. Oh, the list i
s endless!

Swag Alert! Here is an assortment of custom made art beads from my Gallery exhibit just for Beth and her mother to play with!
Kate Clawson, Melanie Brooks, Barbara Lewis, Christine Damm, Julianna Cannon and Heather Powers are all represented here.

EB Bead and Metal Work...please em
ail http://draft.blogger.com/enjoytheday@tesoritrovati.com to arrange for your special prize to be mailed!

And do check out this mother-daughter team's blog. Beautiful things this team creates!

I am so thrilled to hear from your comments that maybe I have inspired you to seek out collaborations. And I do hope that you all get a chance to participate in a collaboration...whether that be with jewelry or other art, of your own initiative or in conjunction with another who starts the ball rolling. It can be scary, especially if you are the one approaching another artist. You might feel that your vision as an artist is not strong enough yet. But it is truly a great way to stretch your wings and fnd out what you can really do. And I am almost certain that you will learn something about yourself and find that you rise to the occasion. I hope you all can be inspired to seek out collaborations of your own. And when you do, I would love to hear all about it!
Enjoy the day!

Erin Prais-Hintz writes about all things that inspire her at Treasures Found::Inspiration Is Everywhere. Her jewelry designs are one-of-a-kind made one-at-a-time. She collects quotes and dust and invites you to send her your favorite (quote - not dust!) to enjoytheday@tesoritrovati.com.

Check out her brand spankin' new website at Tesori Trovati.

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