Monday, September 6, 2010

September Monthly Prizes

This month we have 2 wonderful sponsors for our September Challenge.
Melissa Rediger from Sea of Glass is donating a  $50 gift certificate for one lucky winner. Melissa makes beautiful handmade glass beads. They are fantastic creations with variations of many colors.
A wonderful depth is created with each bead.
Visit Melissa's websiteblog and "like" her on Facebook.

Sharlene Newland of Shaterra Clay Studio is also a donating a $50 gift certificate this month. Sharlene uses low fire earthenware clay to create her lovely designs. Choose from pendants, buttons, and beads with earthy glazes and a splash of color.
Visit Sharlene on etsy, Facebook, website and her blog!
 Submit photos of your wonderful creations using one or more Art Beads.
"Persiaby Geroge Barbier has many different elements that can be used for inspiration, feeling of the piece, repetition, shapes, pale yellow, red and green.
We can't wait to see where your creativity takes you with the painting for this months challenge!

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