Monday, November 22, 2010

The Daily News

Thanks to everybody who signed up for a chance to win The Winds of Change, the book that Roxanne and I self-published. Your comments were all so positive and affirming.

A thank you also goes out to Patti Edmon from Altered Attic who reviewed the book in this post.

I wish I could give a copy to everybody! But today the lucky winner is ...Gillian McMurray. Congrats Gillian. I hope you love the book.

The book can be previewed and purchased here. It would make a great holiday present for any art lover, including yourself!


If you haven't added your answers to this week's survey questions on my sidebar, head on over and speak your mind. The questions will be up until late Wednesday, at which time four new questions will be posted.


Submissions for my book The Artist's Pulse (working title) have been streaming in. The responses to the questions have been wonderfully authentic and the art images I have received are stunning. The open call continues and all the details can be found here. A reminder to all that the deadline for Q & A responses is November 30, a week from tomorrow. The deadline for the artwork is December 31. If you reading this and debating whether to send something in...consider this a sign that you should!

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