Monday, February 14, 2011

Another Amazing Clover Tool

I have two new corsages.

You would not believe how easy it is to make these flower brooches. I wish I had had this tool years ago!

What tool you ask? A brilliant cardboard template from Clover. Or as I like to say, $5 of happy.

I knew that Clover was launching these new templates at the Craft and Hobby show. The demo table was so busy that I couldn't quite see.

On the last day of the show I went back and met Raquel Serrano from Clover who gave me a "one on one" demonstration. My mouth dropped open. Could it really be this simple?

The template helps you to fold and then trim the flower shapes. You attach each section with the same running stitch and tie off the whole pile with a knot.

I wanted to try this gold polka dot fabric. It unravels really easily, but in the end I liked how it looked as a flower.
It couldn't be easier or more relaxing to make these flowers! I'll be trying the template with all sorts of different fabrics now!

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