Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Create a Wall of Beads Storage System

Really, do I need to say anything about how spectacular a wall of beads would be in my studio? I am in serious bead storage lust over Elisabeth Auld's wall o'beads. (Yes, it's the same busy gal from yesterday!)

With a little DIY elbow grease, sheet metal and some hardware she created a wall to store these magnetic containers filled with her treasures.  This would definitely help with the dilemma of no table space and not wanting to pack away beads in containers where their visual inspiration would be lost.  Nope, these are in your face begging to be played with!

On Elisabeth's blog she shares a detailed tutorial to create your own wall of beads.

Maybe you couldn't devote an entire wall to beads, but wouldn't a smaller version be perfect for displaying your art bead collection?

Elisabeth's Wall of Beads in action.

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