Saturday, February 5, 2011

Studio Saturday-Givin' You Some Lip!

Welcome to Studio Saturday! Each week one of our contributors gives you a sneak peek into their studio, creative process or inspirations. We ask a related question of our readers and hope you'll leave comments! As an incentive we offer a free prize each week to bribe you to use that keyboard. The following week we choose a random winner.
This weeks winner is Marian HertzogCongratulations! 
You have won a a pendant from Jennifer Heynen of Jangles
Send Jennifer an e-mail with your address and she will get it right out to you.

This week we visit the studio of Tari Sasser at Creative Impressions In Clay.

It's that time of year the Valentine hearts and sentiments. This year I decided to participate by giving everyone "some lip." The red pair reminds me of "The Rocky Horror" lips. Who can forget those?
These were created from a mold I have of my daughter's face. (Ooh science fiction) They have loops on both corners the mouth so you can make a fun necklace. (It's just a jump to left then a step to the right)
I had every intention of making a necklace for Studio Saturday but you would still be waiting till my next Studio Saturday to see it. My decision making process was slowed by my lack of coffee this morning. Instead I thought I would show you what I was thinking about using. I have this fun Crepe Cord and copper chain from Ornamentea. Buttons in various colors and size from my different collections + 2 Elaine Ray beads she had sent me a year ago or so. 
I was having a tough time with the visualization in my head to the execution, along with stiff fingers this morning that didn't want to work.
I had to use to alter the photo. Heather has urged us all to use it so I had to give it a try! I used the effects of Focal Soften, Matte and 1960's. It was fun and a lot quicker than me using Photoshop. I guess I could of tried making a video to make the lips talk but that would have sent you into a "time warp," "dammit Janet!"

My question this week is:

Do you have a hard time with your designs going from visualization to execution? Occasionally? More often that you care to admit? Never?

Leave your comment and I will give you some lip...a pair of the lips shown above, that is. 

Feeling sassy as usual! 
Tari "the Sassmaster" Sasser 
Creative Impressions In Clay

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