Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Book Review

Thanks to everybody who has joined in on The Book Guild over the past two months. I will be bringing this feature back periodically but for now, meetings of The Guild are adjourned. I thought it would be nice to highlight the books that were recently reviewed one more time...

Curiosa by Barton Lidice Benes

Curiosa : Celebrity Relics, Historical Fossils, and Other Metamorphic Rubbish

Art at the Speed of Life by Pam Carriker

Flavor for Mixed Media by Mary Beth Shaw

Flavor for Mixed Media: A Feast of Techniques for Texture, Color and Layers

Book + Art by Dorothy Simpson Krause

Book + Art: Handcrafting Artists' Books

The Printed Pattern by Yvonne and Rebecca Drury

The Printed Pattern: Techniques and Projects for Inspired Printmaking and Surface Design

The Elemental Journal by Tammy Kushnir

The Elemental Journal: Composing Artful Expressions from Items Cast Aside

Surface Treatment Workshop by Darlene Olivia McElroy & Sandra Duran Wilson

Surface Treatment Workshop: Explore 45 Mixed-Media Techniques


Congratulations to Jann Gougeon from ...with an artist's hand who won a copy of Surface Treatment Workshop in my giveaway.

Look for more book reviews, author interviews, and giveaways when The Book Guild returns.

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