Saturday, April 9, 2011

Studio Saturday with Missficklemedia

Welcome to Studio Saturday! Each week one of our contributors gives you a sneak peek into their studio, creative process or inspirations. We ask a related question of our readers and hope you'll leave comments! As an incentive we offer a free prize each week to bribe you to use that keyboard. The following week we choose a random winner.
This weeks winner is Shirley! Congratulations! You have won a  Sassy pendant from Tari of Creative Impressions in Clay. 
Send Tari an e-mail with your address and she will get it right out to you.
This week we visit the studio of Shannon LeVart at

 So today is the 9th of April. I have been both dreading and looking forward to this day. Today we will be closing missficklemedia and placing the shop in vacation mode for up to 10 days. I have only closed the store twice since I first started my little shop in 2006 and both times were emergencies due to health issues. This time it is not an emergency, but it is necessary as we make our way down to Florida from Missouri for a 1,200 mile trek to our new shindig located in Satellite Beach!  This is a dream turned reality for my family and we are looking forward to a calmer, healthier way of life, living coastal.

 This move represents a major accomplishment and marks a period of overcoming in our lives. With so many obstacles to hurdle and uncertainties to bear, we are determined to move forward with our eyes fixed to the horizon, where sky meets sea.

While Mike fulfills his dream of diving and the kiddos enjoy their new pool, I will be constructing new items inspired by the sea, like these new Benthic Bowls;
  A tiny, copper ring dish, formed into the shape of a shell, treated with a combination of blue and green patinas for an ancient appearance. I would love to share one with one of you! In order to get your name in the drawing for one of these ring dishes next Saturday, please answer this question;

What would you do if you could not fail?
Robert H. Schuller

Robert is a big influence in my life. He tells us;

“High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big decisions quickly and move into action immediately. Follow these principles and you can make your dreams come true.”


I know, this is heavy. You just want an art bead for Pete's sake!  But just give it a few minutes and let me know in comments, what would you do if you could not fail?

Much Love & Respect,

Shannon LeVart

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