Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sundays with Cindy

Good Sunday to you!  Let's see what the bead bloggers have been up to this week....

A Bead A Day
Get ready to make your I-phone or I-pad your new best friend!! Can you handle a SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL design app....FOR FREE? Check this out! Jewelry Making
April is Autism Awareness month, so consider making jewelry as a way to bring some attention to this disorder.

Art Bead Scene
The Tax Man Cometh! Get some advice from the Art Bead Scene.

Beading Arts
Cyndi has a copy of the wonderful new book "Endless Sparkle" that she is just dying to give away!

Carmi's Art/Life World
Carmi has a new bezel to show off on a brooch.

Cindy Gimbrone aka Lampwork Diva
Let's revisit some flakey advice from Cindy.

Resin Crafts!
You'll find a three part bottle cap tutorial on this new blog!

Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done!
Jean is involved in an "A to Z" blogging challenge and at the same time comes up with a great idea for the letter "D" -- Katie Hacker's design contest! Come and see what it is all about!

The Bead Dreamer
Got a small pendant that needs a little punch? Charlene shares five ways to give a small pendant more pizazz.

The Writing and Art of Andrew Thornton
Andrew shares his new signature tags and announces his plans for a new jewelry line.

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