Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lost & Found

If you have been visiting my blog for awhile, you might remember my search for Anonymous from this post. It all started when I had posted about my tendency to hold on to rather then use some of my favorite art supplies. In response I received the following anonymous comment:

"I also have tons of stuff(marvelous stuff) I CAN NOT bring myself to use-papers, OLD pictures and especially embellishments(things I've bought that I swore I'd use in my altered art-yea right!). My home burned down 12-20-07 so I'm in the midst of rebuilding my stashes-can you recommend places I can get old papers like you received in your "jackpot"? I am so envious of those of you that have such extensive collections of MUST KEEPS! I'm not truly envious-jealous would be the appropriate word, but God is good I'm rebuilding my MUST HAVES AND KEEPS!"

I was really taken by this person's plight, losing her home and right before the holidays too boot! In my post, I suggested that our community get together to help Anonymous rebuild her stash of vintage papers by asking for volunteers to send me one or two sheets each that I would send to Anonymous in one package. Over 30 people offered but...Anonymous never responded to the post and I had no way to reach her.

Well, four months since that post and almost one year after the fire, I heard from Anonymous, who now I know to be Lori! She left another comment and this is what she said about my Faux Dough post:

"Seth-I LOVE them. Do you EVER have inspiration(writer's)block? Doubt it. I've wrote in before as "anonymous"-on 7/30/08-you wrote back asking for "anonymous" to write back, but something came up in my family, and I wasn't able to even go online for a few weeks. I was the person congratulating you on winning some beautiful papers and told you my home had burned down and was starting over-COMPLETELY. You wrote in your article you'd like to try to get some people to send something in(I'm paraphrasing)because you couldn't imagine something like that happening to you. Ring any bells? Anyway I'm gonna try to do the faux dough-I do have some washers! Keep sending out the coolest inspiration!!!"

Unfortunately Lori did not leave a return email address but I am hoping she is back online and will read this and email me. How great would it be for her to receive a new stash of vintage paper for the upcoming holiday season one year after the fire. So, one more time. If you are interested in participating and sending me a few pages to add to Lori's new stash, either leave a comment or email me...but please include your email address. Do not send any papers yet until I am sure that I can get Lori's information.

And Lori...let's give this one more try...please email me your contact info!!!!

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