Thursday, February 12, 2009

To Do List



Creating and Disintegrating. Thanks to everybody who has joined in the Disintegration Collaboration. So far 38 artists have posted pictures of their bundles. Links to their diverse creations are listed on the sidebar of my blog. Check them out. Please email if your link is missing. Want to play? It is not too late to join. Click here for details.


Monkey in the middle! Thanks to grrl + dog, I am a full fledged member of the Global Guerilla (K)nit Up. Click here for details. Without knowing how to sew, knit, crochet, weave, or braid...I am ready to wrap. Stay tuned for photos. Just a warning: I will be blogging for bail if necessary!


Construction continues on my Graffiti Wall. I am using Lynne's and Julie's papers, as well as my own, to create the facade. Turns out, once you start...tearing art apart is not so hard after all!


I wanted to send thanks to Cyn Richardson from twobluecrows who passed on the Butterfly Award to The Altered Page. Thanks so much. I send the award right back to you and your beautiful artwork.

Thanks also go out to Evangeline at A Million Universes and to Altered States of Mind for spotlighting my artwork and blog. Much appreciation to you both!

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