Thursday, May 21, 2009

Zine That

If you have been following my blog for a while, you know about The Pulse. This is an ongoing, online project that focuses on the art blogging community. There have been three editions of The Pulse to date. Two have been artist surveys and one was a project called "Playing Favorites" where the participating artists shared a picture of their favorite artwork that they have made and a story to go along with it. Links to all the posts from The Pulse can be found on my sidebar.

Last year I created a print zine to showcase the latest artist survey. The first printing sold out and I just decided to print additional copies. It is available for purchase in my Etsy Shop. The zine is coil bound and 144 pages (72 back and front). It is old school and quite basic. Except for both sides of the front and back covers, there is no artwork. Only questions and answers. And links to the pictures on my blog for each question. Each copy is $10.00 plus shipping.

94 artists answered 7 questions in the zine, only 6 of which were posted online. Here is a glimpse of what you will find in the zine...

In a few words or a few sentences, how would you describe your artistic style?
In a word…Unruly…It is happening when I am connected to the art…It’s where I am not second guessing myself, where I just know what element to use… it just flows…It’s breaking rules I didn’t even know were rules…I know I am in the zone when someone enters my studio and says hi and it makes me jump out of my skin. Angela Cartwright

SHOW us one photograph of the object or objects that you collect and TELL us how your collection(s) came to be and/or what they mean to you. Feel free to include any anecdote about how you might have found/bought any of your treasures.
Well I am a collector of many things: ledgers, seed pods, pine cones, cashmere sweaters, rusty bottle caps... but it is my rock collection that speaks to me most deeply - stripeys, river rocks, herkimer diamonds, tumbled beach stones, hollow holy stones, moldevite, blue opal... the list is endless - but my favorites are those I find regularly at the beach and on various adventures - the stripeys, the heart shaped stones and the river rocks. Here is a little story: one of my earliest memories is being a little girl of about 8 in Lodgepole NE - I would walk out to the water tower a long walk far behind our house and sit down in the sun, find a smooth sun warmed stone and rub it on my upper lip relishing in the sensual warmth and smoothness of that rock - tuck it into my pocket and bring it home. Click here to see more of this collection. Elizabeth Bunsen - Eb

How do you get your creative groove?
I sustain the fantasy. That life is good, that people are always kind, that I can accomplish anything I want. I believe it and then I do it, whatever I choose to do. I think you cannot create easily or well unless you are living right and by that I mean your work must be infused with love and compassion and you must be good to the people who need you. If your head isn't clear your work will not sing. Judy Wise

If you could work in one medium or format that you haven't yet tried, tell us what it would be and why.
Ooh, tough question. I've tried various mediums and am still in love with acrylic paints and paper. I'd love to possibly explore fabric more-combining fabric and paper, but sewing machines scare me (chalk it up to a bad experience when I was young and took a class on how to sew Cabbage Patch Doll clothes...yup.). I love the work of Lenore Tawney-her fabric installations were amazing. I'd love to have the space to explore more large scale paper arts/mixed media work, but that will have to wait for now. Kelly Kilmer

At least for today, your can't-live-without blog or website is...
Amazon....not too sexy, but I’d hook it up and drip new books intravenously if I could. Lisa Hoffman

Where does the magic happen? Tell us about the studio, room, corner, desk, table, floor, or wall where you make art and show us one photograph which somehow captures your creative space or a work in progress.
The magic usually happens while I am out and about....a coffeeshop, a bookstore, a picnic table in a park, a hotel room. While I have a fabulous art studio, I find that getting out of familiar surroundings can be the catalyst to really get into the groove. So I have a journal bag with all the pens I could ever want and lug it around everywhere. My studio is on the 2nd floor and I have 2 windows that look out onto the woods. Teesha Moore

At this time, the seventh and final question is available only within the print zine. However, in preparation for the next edition of The Pulse, look for all the answers to the last question to be posted on my blog sometime soon.

To purchase, go right to my Etsy shop or click the Pulse Zine icon on my sidebar to come back to this post at a later date.

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