Monday, June 8, 2009

Are you Board Yet?

I think it is clear from my Inspiration Board in the previous post that organization and order is important to me. As Michelle from 3rd Eye Muse commented...I have "grid-like tendencies." However, wanting to give equal time to both extremes of my creative side, I offer you an unretouched glimpse of one of my work tables. Hmmm. Sometimes chaos reigns supreme!

Thanks to all those who commented on my Inspiration Board and shared a link to one of your own. If you haven't yet visited the following:

Lisa Hoffman
Merlin's Musings
The Weaver of Grass
This I Didn't Know...
Alley Art Studio
Openings Connecting
La Dolce Vida

And if you would like to share your own Inspiration Board (or file or box or wall or basket or shelf), please leave a comment and add a link to your photo! Who cannot do with a little extra inspiration?!

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