Friday, July 17, 2009

Digging Deeper

I want to thank everybody who was a part of Buried Treasure: both the bloggers who re-posted their personal favorites and all those art lovers who continue to log on, link in, and leave comments.

The feedback I received so far has been so positive. The first group I heard from were blog readers who enjoyed both being introduced to new artists and seeing previously missed posts from their favorite bloggers. The second group I heard from were participating bloggers, many of whom found this process to be unexpectedly insightful and memorable. Many artists, including myself, said that the process of looking through their older posts helped them to recognize distinct changes in their artistic style, direction, and maturity. The third group I heard from were bloggers who had missed the original call for collaborative participants. They were not as happy. But to these people and to all others I say...

DIG DEEPER! I have decided to extend this collaboration for one more round. On Thursday July 23, there will be one more opportunity for you to re-post a favorite blog post as part of the Buried Treasure collaboration. Everybody is welcome to participate -- those who missed the first go round and those who have already re-posted but have just one more post they want to highlight. Please leave a comment on this post or email me by Tuesday July 21 if you would like to participate. Then on July 23, I will post a list of all participating artists and their links. Hope to see as many collaborators as possible!!

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