Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lucky Number Seven

Pasticcio Quartz Issue 7 is now on sale. This Quality Art Zine is the creation of the always amazing Sarah Fishburn and equally amazing Angela Cartwright. With every issue they continue to publish one of the most varied and jam-packed zines out there. If you have ever seen an issue, you will know what I mean when I say that Pasticcio is about so much more than art. And if you haven't seen an issue yet, what are you waiting for?

Issue 7 highlights graffiti, illustration, and stencil artists. I am happy to say that it includes my artwork in the Palais du Art section. And the issue also includes an original article that I wrote based on the following 1908 postcard that I was lucky enough to find quite a few years ago.

Click here to be taken to their studio storefront where you can purchase any or all of the 7 issues!

And while we are talking zines, Alicia at Altered Bits is preparing her next issue of The Altered Bits Zine, an online publication that keeps getting better and better. Each issue is themed and the next one is Black and White. She is accepting submissions through September 1. Click here for more info. Come know you want to be in it!

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