Sunday, October 4, 2009

On the Road Again

I am hitting the road and want to take you along for the ride. Over the course of the next week or so, I will be sharing some of my stops along the way. And what better place to begin than NYC, my home base.

I just visited an amazing exhibit at Pace Wildenstein highlighting the work of Maya Lin and entitled "Three Ways of Looking at the Earth." Maya, well known for her design of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC, is an American artist that works in the space between art and architecture. The exhibit presents three large scale installations that allow the viewer to almost become part of each, as you walk through, around, and under the work.

"2 x 4 Landscape" consists of more than 50,000 two-by-four pieces of sustainable wood, set vertically to portray the swell of a hill. At its peak it is 10 feet high and covers a space of 1,900 total square feet. It changes from every angle and I found it to be mesmerizing, sensual, serene, and powerful...all at the same time. Click each image to enlarge to get a better view.

"Blue Lake Pass" consists of 20 separate blocks of particle board and represents the narrow passageways through the mountain passes of the Rocky Mountains. I found this piece to be the perfect combination of ordered grid and undulating curves.

Here is a short video of all three installations that was filmed earlier in the year when the exhibit was at the Cocoran.

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