Sunday, April 18, 2010

C'est Paris

A little ad in the subway. Love the black and white.
Our apartment rental folks found us a new great apartment to stay in. We moved this morning and we are very lucky to have housing. How I would have hated waiting at the airport. We are safe, comfortable, in a lovely neighbourhood and we have WIFI. Life is as good as it could be in the circumstances. I do miss home though. Luckily I have a very supportive hubby for back up. He has encouraged me to stop worrying and enjoy the extra time in the city I love.

This is my new "just around the corner" florist HAPPY!

How I love these arrangements! I will walk by and photograph a bouquet every day.

Clowns usually scare me...but this one is very sweet. We were back at the huge antique market today. If you would have told me last Sunday that I would be back again today I would have laughed.

We are all looking to the sky's now. Ash clouds are hard to imagine on such a blue sky day.

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