Sunday, April 18, 2010

Luggage Day

Yesterday was the only part of our trip I was not looking forward to.
Getting my two heavy bags down all those flights of stairs....and folks, it really was eight flights by North American standards..
We checked into a new apartment that has an elevator...yippee. But there is a catch.
We are on the second floor now.
The elevator begins on the half floor mark. You have to walk up half a flight to get into the elevator and then back down once you go up to the second for just getting up two flights it was easier just to carry the bags...again.
And my bags are heavy....the books and paper weigh me down.
So when I saw these lovely bags at the antique market I just had to walk away.
Make no eye contact. They can't come home with me.

Neither can these huge Eiffel towers. I'd have to organize a crate.

And I left all the metal to Nancy. NO way can I add more poundage to the bags I have already "test packed."

So from here on in I will be looking at little things like this. Happy tiny things. Weightless hopefully.

With one exception.
If I am still here next Sunday I am going back for these fencing squirrels. Weight or no weight. I'll buy them a vintage piece of luggage to fly home in.

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