Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Virtual Interview with Kylie Parry

I sat down (alright, not really, just virtually) with Kylie Parry, ceramic bead artist. Here's the answers to some questions I had regarding her talent in ceramics! Enjoy!

Who are you, and what do you create?
Hello there! My name is Kylie Parry and my latest obsession is creating ceramic pendants.
How long have you been working in this medium? What lead you to this craft?
I took my first ceramics class in college. I fell in love with the “magic” of the process. Creating pendants was a compromise between the 2-D and 3-D sides of my brain. Creating them allows me to work with my hands (the messy, tactile clay experience) without ignoring my love for drawing and painting. I get the best of both worlds. I have been going non-stop for the past 5 years. 

Who has had the strongest influence on your development as an artist?
I was born into a creative, hardworking and stubborn family. For better or worse, these traits are me and have definitely influenced my development as an artist.

 What are your goals for your art for the future?
 I hope to continue to find ways to incorporate my drawings into ceramic forms. The idea that my drawings can exist on something that is functional, something that is used or worn in everyday life, by common folks, appeals to me.  
I also have a new series of mosaics that I am working on. Im building them into old crumbling dresser drawers. This is completely different from anything I have done before and I am excited about how they are turning out!
Someday, I would love to be an artist “full time”. I want to be my own boss. I hope to exhibit in larger shows and get into more publications. 
What do you consider to be the one thing that makes you stand out from your peers or help you be more successful?
I think my background in illustration helps me stand out among other ceramic artists. I view each pendant as a tiny canvas. Each one turns out different and special.
For fun:  What is something that most people don't know about you?
I am an aspiring children’s book illustrator and am currently working with an author on a book about a boy with a wild imagination and a pair of red goggles.

Thank you Kylie, for a great interview. I know that Art Bead Scene readers will love to know more about you! 
You can read Kylie's blog for more behind the scene looks at her art!

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