Sunday, February 6, 2011

Canvas Corp at CHA

Coming around the last row at CHA I was struck by the beauty of the CanvasCorp booth.
This booth and company has a way of showing you how paper crafts can be used to decorate your home. Oh. And how many times have I mentioned that I love burlap? I don't know why...since it is difficult to work with it.

They showed off so many ways to incorprate burlap with canvas. Isn't this banner great?

This picture wreath gave me all sorts of ideas. I hope to make something inspired by it this year.
(Note the book on the mantle covered in burlap.)

The curtain sash was just so pretty.

And look at the burlap in these scrapbook layouts. I had no idea that CanvasCorp had a whole paper and embellishments division. Their samples were excellent.

Since my return from CHA I have added a lot of new pages to my Facebook account. CanvasCorp is one of them. I definitely want to see what they create this year.

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