Sunday, February 6, 2011

Collectors Edition: Chapter 6

Welcome to the fourth edition of The Pulse -- The State of the Art -- a survey in words and pictures of the online artist community. Nearly 150 artists have answered a list of questions which make up The Pulse. Their responses will be presented as a series of online and print projects. Links to the first four projects (Secret Sunday, The Book Guild, StudioScapes, Viewer's Choice) can be found on the sidebar of my blog.

Collectors Edition is the fifth installment in which your favorite artists share their favorite collection or obsession.

The pic of the shelf with little skeletons is some of my Dia de los Muertos knick-knacks. I'd have many more but don't get to Mexico enough.

My current obsessive collection is the same one I've had for many years. I love rocking horses and other animals on rockers. At last count, I had nearly 500, from a 3 feet tall brass horse, to a tiny 1/2" hand blown glass horse. Some rock, some roll. I love all my animals, which include, but are not limited to, a rocking reindeer, rocking rabbit, and rocking sheep. They all get along and play well together, too.

Aaaahhhh, collections, well...I collect art supplies...I am obsessed with products that are water soluble. I have a hard time with spray paints and such because of the smells. I teach a children's art club so the safer products, full of pigment, are wonderful. I recently have become a fan of water soluble block printing ink. They smell, but I just wear a mask when using them. My most recent process is to apply the print ink, drop in some liquid inks and paints, then mono-print off of that. Photo is of my children's paint brush collection. I can not show you my studio because it is under FEMA management at the moment....

Photoshop! Elements of this image came from Gale Blair's blog and her shop Paper Whimsy, one of my favorite sources of collage material.

Random stuff, including dental molds, doll parts, skeletons, etc.

The only obsession that really stands the test of time with me is my books. My collection is wide and varied - from classic fiction to science. With the exception of my collection of ancient history books, my art book collection is the largest genre.

I collect the Earth, clay/pots and rocks. The pictured clay works are all LARGE, very large, some vessels/others sculptural......and small pieces everywhere. And rocks!! Many many rocks and stones in and out of our house. And years ago i began wrapping RAPT rocks, enRAPTured===carried away with great emotion.

Online classes, painting canvas and paper, journal making.

My secret obsession collage reveals the fact that I like to find all types of bric-a-brac (for lack of a better word), even if they are damaged, and give them a second chance.

I'm drawn to spirals. They're all over my art and my house. This is an art doll created by my friend Jenny Smith. Spirals aside, it's just beautiful, and with that fabric, how could I resist?

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