Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April Monthly Challenge Prizes

Our wonderful sponsors for the April Monthly Challenge. We will have 2 winners this month.

Jess Contreras of Poetry for the Skeptic donation for this months challenge is a pendant connector set. 
Jess is an artist in his own right but you may also recognize him as Heather's husband. Two artists in one house! Beautiful pendants and connectors that speak to you...poetry.
Visit Jess at his Etsy shop.
: : :

Deryn Mentock of Something Sublime is donating a gift certificate for her online class.
The Build Zone class will be offered toward the end of the year, so you will have plenty of time to collect objects.
The gift certificate is valued at $125 and covers the many fundamentals of found object jewelry making with lots of emphasis on design. How cool is this to be able take classes from home in your jammies!

Visit the Something Sublime on their etsy, e-course and blog!

 Submit photos of your wonderful creations using one or more Art Beads.
Finches and Bamboo by Emperor Huizong of Song is such a soft painting with many different elements that can be used for inspiration, texture, color, bird shapes and repetition.
We can't wait to see where your creativity takes you with the art for this months challenge
Please remember to put APRABS in the title or tag of your submission(s).  
Provide us with the artist of the Art Beads used and we always love to know all the materials you used. 

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