Monday, April 4, 2011

Walls, Diaries, and Paintings

As many of you know, I have a love affair with graffiti. I recently saw an exhibition in NYC that really spoke to me and took the art of graffiti to a new level. Walls, Diaries, and Paintings, currently running through April 16th at Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery, is the work of Miami-born, Brooklyn-based artist Jose Parla. Parla has created 15 new, mixed-media works that document urban life in such diverse cities as New York, Istanbul, Havana, and Tokyo.

Using a combination of free-form, calligraphic markings and urban graffiti, Parla has recreated the sense of excitement, danger, and vibrancy inherent in city living. He has managed to capture both a sense of history and a feeling of modern edge at the same time.  

I always love when galleries are transformed and for this exhibition, the main hallway was used for a site specific installation that perfectly ushered you into the main room.

The pay phone was the perfect, authentic touch.

He has captured the essence of so many international cities and many of his pieces feel as though they could have been torn off the walls of a building.

Others pieces are more abstract in nature and make use of swirling and curling calligraphic markings.

The dimensionality and layers of city life are captured in wonderful, highly textured detail.

See additional images from this exhibition and read my brief review of the show on NearSay.

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