Monday, April 18, 2011

Featured Designer of the Week: Stories They Tell

APRABS - The Emperor's Nightengale
Each Monday the Art Bead Scene features the Designer of the Week. One of our editors picks her favorite from the Monthly Challenge entries. This week's featured designer is Stories They Tell!

Here is what ABS editor, Heather Powers had to say about this design;

"This focal pendant has me rather speechless.  It's an amazing mix of textures and colors and feels like a found ancient artifact. I love the design of the necklace, the asymmetry works perfectly with the double strand of beads playing off the brass medallions."

View more of her work here at her blog and at her shop.

Want to see your work here next week? Enter our monthly challenge for a chance to be featured! Be sure to add ABS April as a tag to your photo and make sure you allow us to download your photo so we can prepare our posts that feature you.

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