Thursday, April 14, 2011

True Confessions

I am a journaler. Okay, I said it. Outloud. For everybody to hear.

I share most of the artwork I create and the art projects I am involved with on this blog. But one thing I have never shared before are my personal journals. I do not journal daily, weekly, or sometimes even monthly. But I do journal. And I find there are definitely times when I feel the need to journal. One of the things I like about journaling is the fact that there are no rules. I can do it my way, in my time, in my style. And because I journal with no expectation of my pages being seen, it is very freeing. My journaling style tends to be different from my art. But it reflects me nonetheless.

So why am I talking about this now? It is because Create Mixed Media has started The Open Page, a group on Flickr for journalers.

You can join the group, upload your journals and journal pages, and take a look at everybody elses. It is like an open door into the heart of the artist.


My personal journals are always handmade. Once they are bound, I begin by painting the pages with a wash.

The next step for me is to add images. In my current journal I am taking my images from an ever-growing pile of torn pages from books, magazines, newspapers, and the like.

My last step is adding the journal writing itself.

All the pages in my journal are at different stages, so there is something to work on no matter what I am in the mood to do.

Head on over to The Open Page on Flickr. You can see more of my journal pages and add your own!

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