Thursday, September 16, 2010

Vintage Ribbon Beads

There are days when everything you try just works out. That has been the case for me ever since I took the fabric bead class this August with Alma. I knew this was a road I would go down simply because I had been collecting items for it for a decade. These are new beads I hand sewed with vintage ribbons from France.

Yesterday I finished the necklace. It is over the top I know. Each bead prettier than the next.

I bought the vintage ribbon in Paris at the big antique market. These are the ribbon samplers that a sales person would have had when they were visiting store keepers. You have the same pattern in many different colours.

For these beads, I used a small portion of each of these sample ribbons. Jacquard ribbon is so lush and thick. I always knew that one day I would do something special with these pieces.

This is what makes my heart race in Paris. Boxes of vintage ribbons and millinery supplies. My sample ribbons were very expensive. Today I know they were worth every penny! I am so glad I didn't put them back after picking them out of a bin. I could never have made these beads look this way without these unique patterns.

The rose was the one feature on the ribbon I tried to keep as is. I sewed beads all over the bead and thoroughly enjoyed the process.

Placed on one of my collages I thought how perfect this quote was for my life.

I love so many things!

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